Like so many musicians and human beings, I had been fascinated deeply by sounds and melodies since childhood. Those days, the only instruments I could play were my aunt' Melodica, that dragged me once a week to a small shed at the far point of my grandma’s backyard, and our neighbors son keyboard, that stunned me with so many shiny buttons.
On a hot summer day at my 12ish, I became the happiest person in the world when I got my own keyboard; the day that I have composed my very first song, to my mind. During the five months that I was going to Keyboard class, I was running from class to do my homework perfectly at the same day; days of the difficult milestone of indecisiveness and doubtfulness. In that period, as much as I went further, I became more fascinated by music. Thus, I was more blamed by family as they could not accept that I am paying more attention to music than studying school scientific lessons.
Five years later, my parents bought me a better musical instrument. Gradually, I and my two other friends made a small band, composed songs, played, and for the first time performed our own songs.
As I was studying my bachelor in Textile Engineering at Yazd University, I realized that I don't belong to the path I had in front of me. Hence, I withdrew the program and started studying Industrial Management at University of Science and Culture, Tehran. As I moved back to Tehran, I bought a Piano with my home's bond money. While I was studying at the university,
I started studying classical music: playing the piano, learning the fundamentals of music and solfège, harmony, counterpoint, form and analysis, organology and orchestration and composition.
After completing my bachelor program, following my friend and band mate, Siamak Pishdadian (God bless him) I pursued my Master of Art in Music Composition at Sooreh University
By graduating from the master course, I had heading Europe as the first Iranian composer-in-residence in Visby International Center for Composers. During this residency, besides composing and teaching music, I found the chance of cooperating and contributing with some superior performer and intelligent tasteful musicians. This opportunity led to numerous performances with various ensembles in Iran and at Europe; that is still my professional hobby. On the other hand, composing movies soundtrack is another exciting activity that let me swaying with the magical silver screen on the motion picture. Besides composing, I have experienced being an actor in some Iranian movies.
Reza Mortazavi
December 2015